Author: blueeyedpop
Home is where the anchor drops
Sometimes I feel floaty I have these moments of disassociation. I stand there and can’t believe where I am (south west of France) , how I got here (years of planning and a terrifying leap.) I look and see patterns. I see trajectories. And for the life of me I just don’t see the south…
That’s how its done
I passed. I have a French driver’s license. This is more or less the process(less) Rewind to a year ago to November 2023. I did two things to ensure that when my California driver’s license expired that I would have already taken and passed my test. Come January 2024 And I do get ahold of…
Just drive she said
According to my instructor I passed my test to get my Level B, Automatic Transmission driver’s license. To protect the examiner from having the living snot beaten out of them, they no longer tell you in person if you pass of fail. I took a practice test at my driver’s school yesterday… I failed for…
Kitchen, kitchen, who’s got my kitchen
Kitchen pre-demo. The exploratory demo shows some bizarre trenching. Last you heard, we were doing some preliminary demo to get ready for the new kitchen. Well, It is in progress. As of today, 20% of the tile is in. We still have a sink, thanks to some saw horses and the good graces of the…
The kitchen is moving forward We have identified a contractor We have a not unreasonable quote We have water damage and mold, possibly from the pompe a chalor drainage issues that were eloquently documented on the previous version of my blog that are lost to the ravages of my previous web-host. In short, the pompe…
The driving saga
5 months 3 day later, I am able to drive again…Supervised. Step one Move to France from a non reciprocal state like California. The date is April 14, 2023. My residency takes effect when customs stamps my passport. My residency starts a one year fuse on my driver’s license. In 1 year I will be…
Just a simple post
Falling directly into the mundania category, Yesterday my wife and I went to visit some friends, specifically, my wife dropped me off at one of our friends houses, while she went to some other friend’s house. She went to see the improvements they had done to the place, specifically tiling the chapel floor that sits…
Bored? Oh!
Wow, that was pretty bad. Also this is sort of a lame post. I have had the hood up on my blog for the last few hours, trying to recuperate functionality after transferring to a new host, with entirely new content since the old host borked up my blog. Specifically, I got the subscribe functionality…
The kind and gentle art of renovating a kitchen whilst one is living in the house with no opportunity of an outdoor kitchen because it is mid September and it is already below 10°C at night and by the time November rolls around it is going to be fucking frigid out there.
My wife is not one to swear.My wife, among other things, is a trained chef and a masterful baker. Our kitchen is hateful. Hateful I tell you. The oven is named Every Fucking Time.It has earned that name because it insists on burning off your eyebrows EveryFucking Time You open the oven door, say buh…
I belong to two associations here near Bergerac. ACFAA ACFAA is a group of ~18 clubs and a language department that fall under the same banner in Eymet. There are non ACFAA clubs in Eymet as well. Needless to say, there is a lot to do in Eymet. There are a lot of Britts in…