Falling directly into the mundania category, Yesterday my wife and I went to visit some friends, specifically, my wife dropped me off at one of our friends houses, while she went to some other friend’s house.
She went to see the improvements they had done to the place, specifically tiling the chapel floor that sits on their property. I went to our other friend’s place to help him set up a 3D printer I am loaning him.
Again this visiting friends on a week day thing is a very new thing for me., I guess that is partially why I am writing about it.
It wasn’t a week day griding back and forth between the house and the office in bumper to bumper traffic, and it isn’t a weekend, trying to get the shopping, repairs, and everything else crammed into a 48 hour window.
Shocking part 2
We lived on the outskirts of the contiguous blob of Ventura, Los Angeles, San Bernardino and San Diego counties that forms this massive outgrowth that I feel is really all just part of Los Angeles.
We had “farmland” nearby, we even had a few chickens, and our neighbors had ducks, but it was still part of the massive sprawl.
Driving to/from our friends chateau (yes a proper chateau with a name and everything, built in the 1600’s and dutifully loved now is a surreal drive.
Surreal in it’s beauty.
So beautiful it is shocking.
Shocking to drive past cows, horses, sheep and donkeys.
Shocking to drive a winding road through forests and corn, canola and sunflower fields, shocking it the absolute beauty.
I helped with the 3D printer, discussed some projects and life. We had lunch and then my wife came to pick me up.
The new season is starting to show. Fall is here. The sky looks like a fall sky. Wind kicks up some haze, a sun low in the sky sheds warmer colors on the landscape, and the temperatures are now below 10 °C at night.
This is my second Fall here. Not sure what to expect, this has been a short summer. Rainy past spring, somehow so few rainbows and thunder storms like last year.
I like to hang out the window of the car when we drive, like a golden retriever, only with a camera in hand. Who cares if they are blurry.

These water towers are fun

The House of Duras. Gowron, son of M’Rel is nowhere to be seen.

Harvest season is here

Murder forest. There is a long story why every forest is a murder forest. Buy me a cafe and i will tell it to you.
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