(And other kitchen shenanigans)
So the kitchen is mostly done, with a few notable exceptions…
We went with a nation-wide, “professional” service to keep things simple. Note that professional is in quotes to convey a sense of disappointment.
When the kitchen cabinets arrived, there were a few issues. Measurements were off by 10cm or 20 cm (that’s 1 or 2 mud turtles for those in Liberia, Myanmar and ‘Murica where they use silly units.)
Most critically, one cabinet came is pulverized and the cabinet for the sink came in 10cm (1 mud turtle) too tall.
Last week the replacement cabinets came in to the warehouse and guess what !?!
The sink cabinet came in pulverized… That’s their story, but I think it could also have come in 10cm (14 ladybugs) too short, or 20 cm(2 giant African land snails side by side)
The best part of all this is that in the ensuing conversation with the rep from said “professional” service, she was so full of feelings. Feeling about how it was bad for her company, how it was affecting their bottom line etc. No mention on the many thousands of euros spent on cabinetry alone.
We started in on the tile, working around areas that aren’t done, so we have 1 wall done. The other wall has a sink we have to tile around.
We are expecting (ha!) the final install in early February as yet another cabinet has to be manufactured.
The vent hood
we ordered the vent hood from a national retailer, online, through one of their associates.
About a week or so into it, we got curious… Oh where is the vent hood? Their website wouldn’t show actual progress, so some calls ensued.
Delivered they say. Then not delivered, then in the shipper’s warehouse…somewhere, then several days of not being able to get through.
The best part of all this is that at this point in the process, they cannot give us a refund without a restocking fee.
Yesterday we got word that it is back at the manufacturer. We will get a refund without a restocking charge, and we can order it again… so we did.
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. We have no other options, however.

We are complete kitchen adjacent

I sense that something is missing

Holy hand grenades Batman, that sink sits like 1 hamster length too tall.
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