Category: Blog
Schrödinger’s vent hood
(And other kitchen shenanigans) So the kitchen is mostly done, with a few notable exceptions…We went with a nation-wide, “professional” service to keep things simple. Note that professional is in quotes to convey a sense of disappointment. When the kitchen cabinets arrived, there were a few issues. Measurements were off by 10cm or 20 cm…
We have a visitor from ‘Murica here this week, so a little sightseeing was in order. Our friend Miss S, has been here before, in fact when my wife went to establish our beachhead in the gite from hell, Miss S came with her. She is no stranger to a wintery Bergerac, so there wasn’t…
That Floaty Feeling
(Again) (me wrestling with floaty feelings) Yeah, I’ve probably talked about this floaty feeling way too much, but I think I finally have a good handle on what is going on, or at least part of what is going on… Or I don’t and I’ll be whinging about this again in the future… When I…
Sitting, reflecting, writing
My second winter in France is approaching. We hit 0°C a few nights ago, ice on the roads, a millimeter or 3 of ice on the car. I still recall the weeks prior to our departure: The stress of the FDA stamp for the dogs to travel. Selling all of the cars and driving a…
You had one job
Our kitchen renovation in (I have lost count) easy steps. Step one: Measure Measure the kitchen space to determine what can be put where. We opted to have a kitchen company help with the design, rather than simply go with Ikea. We are in the autumn of our lives, the necessity to do another kitchen…
Then and now
A list of things I am getting used to I’m still vacillating between feeling totally normal here and wondering how I got here and what my place is in this new, wacky world, but as I look back, I see the things that felt totally alien slipping into normalcy. Shopping carts Shopping carts here, with…
Home is where the anchor drops
Sometimes I feel floaty I have these moments of disassociation. I stand there and can’t believe where I am (south west of France) , how I got here (years of planning and a terrifying leap.) I look and see patterns. I see trajectories. And for the life of me I just don’t see the south…
Just drive she said
According to my instructor I passed my test to get my Level B, Automatic Transmission driver’s license. To protect the examiner from having the living snot beaten out of them, they no longer tell you in person if you pass of fail. I took a practice test at my driver’s school yesterday… I failed for…
The kitchen is moving forward We have identified a contractor We have a not unreasonable quote We have water damage and mold, possibly from the pompe a chalor drainage issues that were eloquently documented on the previous version of my blog that are lost to the ravages of my previous web-host. In short, the pompe…
The driving saga
5 months 3 day later, I am able to drive again…Supervised. Step one Move to France from a non reciprocal state like California. The date is April 14, 2023. My residency takes effect when customs stamps my passport. My residency starts a one year fuse on my driver’s license. In 1 year I will be…