Tag: France
When a kitchen comes in a clown car.
The Measurement saga on August 1st, 2024, we contracted a prominent manufacturer of kitchens to design and install our kitchen. There are 3 walls and an Island. Wall 1 is a counter surface with drawers on either side. It was built 10 cm too wide. (If you don’t know 10 cm, you live in Liberia,…
Some seriously mundane shite out of Mundania in the south west of France. Wednesday we headed up to Perigueux to go to Leroy Merlin (I dare you not to say that like they would on the Dukes of Hazard, y’all) Leeeroy Mehrlin. We needed tile, some misc hardware, needed to return a vent hood, and…
That Floaty Feeling
(Again) (me wrestling with floaty feelings) Yeah, I’ve probably talked about this floaty feeling way too much, but I think I finally have a good handle on what is going on, or at least part of what is going on… Or I don’t and I’ll be whinging about this again in the future… When I…
Sitting, reflecting, writing
My second winter in France is approaching. We hit 0°C a few nights ago, ice on the roads, a millimeter or 3 of ice on the car. I still recall the weeks prior to our departure: The stress of the FDA stamp for the dogs to travel. Selling all of the cars and driving a…
You had one job
Our kitchen renovation in (I have lost count) easy steps. Step one: Measure Measure the kitchen space to determine what can be put where. We opted to have a kitchen company help with the design, rather than simply go with Ikea. We are in the autumn of our lives, the necessity to do another kitchen…
Then and now
A list of things I am getting used to I’m still vacillating between feeling totally normal here and wondering how I got here and what my place is in this new, wacky world, but as I look back, I see the things that felt totally alien slipping into normalcy. Shopping carts Shopping carts here, with…
Home is where the anchor drops
Sometimes I feel floaty I have these moments of disassociation. I stand there and can’t believe where I am (south west of France) , how I got here (years of planning and a terrifying leap.) I look and see patterns. I see trajectories. And for the life of me I just don’t see the south…
Kitchen, kitchen, who’s got my kitchen
Kitchen pre-demo. The exploratory demo shows some bizarre trenching. Last you heard, we were doing some preliminary demo to get ready for the new kitchen. Well, It is in progress. As of today, 20% of the tile is in. We still have a sink, thanks to some saw horses and the good graces of the…
Bored? Oh!
Wow, that was pretty bad. Also this is sort of a lame post. I have had the hood up on my blog for the last few hours, trying to recuperate functionality after transferring to a new host, with entirely new content since the old host borked up my blog. Specifically, I got the subscribe functionality…
This is going to hurt
I am retired. The wellspring of income is now dry. Every now and again a little rain shower drips in, but the raging torrent of money in (and money out) is now gone. In the process of all of this, I have decided to trim my expenditures.One such expenditure was my old hosting service and…