
(me wrestling with floaty feelings)
Yeah, I’ve probably talked about this floaty feeling way too much, but I think I finally have a good handle on what is going on, or at least part of what is going on… Or I don’t and I’ll be whinging about this again in the future…
When I retired, I wasn’t expecting to.
I have worked in or been exposed to the cinema business for all my life. I worked at Panavision for 7 years in the 2000’s, and again at the end of the Covid Crisis for another year.
When I gave notice at Panavision, I told them that I was moving to France, and that I very much wanted to continue consulting for them. I had already been working remotely with a division of theirs, and there was a massively cool project that I started, and wanted to continue helping with.
Hollywood is rife with strikes. It has affected my family and I on several occasions, so it was no actual surprise (in retrospect) that the strikes that were taking place when I gave notice would affect me again.
Long story short, to this day Hollywood is suffering. It is no surprise that Panavision opted not to continue working with me.
I have heard the advice that you should do for a living something that you love. I think that is terrible advice. You should do what you can for 40 hours a week and reserve doing what you love for yourself.
Don’t sell your passion. Corporate ‘Murica doesn’t deserve it. They won’t pay you enough for it, and they won’t ever understand its true value. There are much more deserving outlets for your passion.
At the end of the day, what I did for a living was, in HR speak, a Creative Technologist. “Mad Inventor” also works.
I invent things, I am a problem solver, a maker, a builder. I have literally been on this trajectory since I was a kid, and I am still on this trajectory today. My happy place is doing these things.
But these things are expensive. I worked in non-cinema R&D for 16 years. I would often sit in front of tens of thousands of dollars worth of stuff, tear into it and design and make something new. I worked on projects where I would digest $20k worth of stuff…A day…for weeks on end.
The sheer volume of material I went through, let alone the cost, is untenable in my current life. Even if I had a giant chateau and 10’s of millions in the bank, I am not sure it would be rewarding. The time pressure, the task, the driving force would be absent as well.
The Joneses
I am an addict. I am jonesing for a fix. I am in withdrawal, and there is precious little I can do about it.
I get my fix in small measures. I have CAD software, a 3D printer, and I make silly little things. I fix things around the house, and often those fixes call on my CAD and printing skills.
In my old life I was doing the pure stuff. Stuff straight off the cigar boat from Columbia, now I am in the gutter, begging for money so I can get my talc laced fix.
What brought on this realization was a discussion I had with someone at a tech company. I was trolling for work and found not only a listening ear, but someone with whom I resonated.
He wants to connect me with interesting people and companies that would possibly be able to use my talents. When I got off the phone I was energized.
Like a dealerless junkie that found a new supplier.
Realistically I need to get off the “the stuff.” I need to stop riding the dragon and find other ways to find fulfillment. And in truth, I am working on that.
I have been doing a lot of writing. Professionally and of course personally with things like this blog.
I am trying to help the local makerspace. My goal is to learn enough French so that I can help teach the next generation to be tech junkies. Teach kids how to design things in cad, cut them out on the laser cutter, or print them on a 3D printer. Tech them how to write software, things like that, but in this I am a long way away.
I think the suddenness of it all was something of a contributor. I came to France expecting to work, and landed in my new life without that possibility.
I am still here, grasping at shadows, chasing echoes, but not finding a tangible slice of pie or piece of work that was meant to be here for me.
At least this isn’t a France thing. That would utterly suck. Imagine; Hey Mike, here is your new country that sucks.
That would suck.
France is pretty. The leaves are falling from trees right now. It is pretty. The valleys are filled with mists and the ground is frosty in the mornings sometimes. That is pretty too.
So, yeah…
Hey you!
Come here buddy.
So listen, if you need a guy that can do creative technology, I can totally hook you up.
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